My Lovely Liar (2023) | Dramacool

My Lovely Liar (2023)


The following Series My Lovely Liar (2023) is a Korean Drama


Mok Sol Hee is a young woman with an extraordinary and supernatural ability: she is able to “hear” other people’s lies, no matter how hard they try to obfuscate the truth. But this superpower has left her jaded: She no longer has any faith in other people, and now considers them all to be morally bankrupt. But that all changes when she meets a successful music producer named Kim Do Ha.

Kim Do Ha has become embroiled in a murder case, and has gone into hiding…in the residence next door to Mok Sol Hee. The producer’s closest friend Jo Deuk Chan, the head of the talent agency J Entertainment, is the only person who knows Kim Do Ha’s secret. But Mok Sol Hee is in for a shock when she realizes that her new neighbor appears to be the only person in the world her superpower does not work on. She becomes drawn to this mystery man—but will she ever learn the deepest secrets of his heart?

Original name: 소용없어 거짓말

Original Network:

Director: ,

Country: ,



Total Episodes: 16 Episode(s)

Genre: , , ,

Other name: دروغ‌های بی‌فایده소용없어 거짓말Soyongeobseo GeojismalМій милий брехунUseless LiesMy Lovely LiarMy Lovely Liar

My Lovely Liar (2023) trailer:

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